

Save mount settings? - DOSBox

I wounder how to save the mount settings, so I can skip to type; mount cd:-dosgame everytime i startup the dosbox. And sometimes I use cdrom as well.

How to Automount folder as C: in Dosbox

With DosBox open, type: config -writeconf /home/user/dosbox.conf (or whatever) then exit Dosbox. Open dosbox.conf and add (the [autoexec] is at the bottom):

In the DOSBox config, how do I mount a folder as a CD drive while ...

Using relative paths, you can move the folders wherever you want, so long as DOSBox's location is moved along with them.


I try to write Lutris scripts to install easily Dos games from Gog, But I need to know how to modify Dosbox config file with Lutris script language.

[SOLVED] DOSBox - custom config file

DOSBox is able to launch directly from .conf files so, in most cases, there shouldn't be a need for a shell script.

Basic Setup and Installation of DosBox

MOUNT: Tells the program to mount a directory ... For DOSBox versions older than 0.73 browse into program installation folder and open the dosbox. Mount · Dosbox.conf · DOSBoxShortcuts · Releases


dosbox.conf is a configuration file that DOSBox can use globally and/or locally per game (and settings that are left out are taken from the global file).


MOUNT.COM is a command inside DOSBox that can connect physical folders and drives to virtual drives inside DOSBox.

How do you do configure DOSBox to mount from a new default folder?

The first part is pretty easy - you need to make that mount command part of the virtual autoexec.bat that your DOSBox runs automatically.

Config file location? : rdosbox

In dosbox-staging we fixed it, and now the path to .conf file on macOS is: ~/Library/Preferences/DOSBox/dosbox-staging.conf (no matter which ...